Rock Springs Entry Fountains



Sidewalk Repairs

The city has been notified and tickets have been created. We are simply waiting for the city to get around to us.

Speed Study

Due to many complaints of people speeding in the neighborhood (especially on Pebble Creek Dr) we have notified the city and requested a study be done to see if the community would benefit from speed bumps/humps. Additionally, we have requested them to analyze the corner of Pebble Creek Dr and River Rock Dr to determine if a stop sign and/or cross walk would be prudent to help with safety near the playground. We have been advised that it may take some time for the city to complete the study.

Landscaping Winter Damage

We have asked Aphix to assess the damage and replace landscaping that is unrecoverable. In an efort to save resident money, we have requested any landscaping that suffered damage but IS recoverable, to simply trim back the dead areas and see how well the plants come back. If we need to replace, we will do so in the fall when conditions are more favorable.

Playground Mulch

The Board is responsible to keep the mulch level at the playground at an acceptable depth for safety. We normally have to add around $4000+ worth of mulch every other year. We are currently reaching out for bids to re-level the area and install rubber mulch. This would be a much larger up front cost but because the mulch would not decay, we would have a significantly lower annual cost to playground upkeep as well as making the playground a much safer and cleaner amenity.

Pet Waste Stations

We have tabled this project for the time being as we have many things in the works and not only would we have the upfront cost, but we would also incur ongoing costs of refilling the bag dispensers and trash bags. Much more than that is the cost to empty these bins that would be located all over the neighborhood. When we have a better sense of where we stand financially as well as the true costs associated with maintaining the stations, we will revisit this issue.

Protected Canopy/Graveyard

Aphix was contracted to do some cleanup of the overgrown cemetary area as well as the protected tree canopy area. This work will continue in the future as there is still much work to be done. We have had a few residents bring up issues concerning dead or dying trees in these areas and we have been sending out the arborist to advise us on the best course of action. If you see any safety concern in the neighborhood including issues with trees on HOA owned property, please let us know by filling out the contact form.

Important Dates

None of Note


Upcoming Events

We have had a lot of positive responses to the events put on so far. We thank everyone who attends any of the events! We normally will have flyers posted at events with a QR code that links to a survey to get resident feedback. We truely want to know what events people like and how we can make the ones we have better.

We are still searching for any resident that would like to help the Events Committee!
Please click here to submit your interest in helping the community


Recent E-blasts



Tips & Tricks

Fall Yard Tips - by Kathy Cail

Springtime Yard Tips - by Kathy Cail

Winter Damage Tips - by Kathy Cail


Recent Newsletters

We are always looking for ideas to include in the next newsletter.
If you have any suggestions we would love to hear from you! please submit your ideas here.

2023 Q4 Newsletter
2023 Q3 Newsletter
2023 Q2 Newsletter
2023 Q1 Newsletter

Older newsletters can be found on the archive page.