Rock Springs Entry Fountains



Greetings from Your Board Members

We all take great pride in serving this neighborhood and doing our duty to ensure that your assesments are used in the most practical and economic ways.

While the contact form (link at bottom right of page) is the best way to reach us, each member has their email address listed next to their name if you have to contact them directly. You must be signed in to view this information!

Your 2023 Board:

Kim Meyer Kim Meyer- President      
Kim joined the board to help establish the HOA after it was turned over to the redidents. She has served on previous HOAs and thought that this would be a perfect way to be involved more in the neighborhood. Kim was elected to the board in 2020 and was re-elected in 2022 & 2024. In 2022, Kim took over the position of president from Jon Shontz.
Ellen Fontaine Ellen Fontaine- Treasurer      
Ellen and her husband have been residents of Rock Springs since May 2019. Ellen’s background includes Treasurer of her previous subdivision’s HOA for over 10 years and is a degreed accountant in her professional career. She is eager to assist Rock Springs HOA and it’s residents in her capacity as Treasurer. She joined the board in October 2021 to fill the open role of Treasurer. Ellen was re-elected to the Board in 2023.
Amy Gilmore Amy Gilmore- Secretary      
Amy is a people person. She rarely misses an opprotunity to hang out with neighbors. She loves a good challenge and is looking forward to working for what the neighborhood wants. Amy was elected to the Board in 2022 and re-elected in 2024. She accepted the position of Secretary in 2025 taking over for Scott McDonnell.
Jon Shontz Jon Shontz- Member at Large      
As a resident of Rock Springs since May of 2008, Jon felt compelled to assist the neighborhood in any way that he possibly could. Jon was voted in as VP in 2020 and assumed the President position later that year. He was elected to another presidential term for 2021. In 2022 Jon was re-elected to the Board, but decided to step down as President to focus on other endeavors. Jon was once again re-elected in 2024.
Scott McDonnell Scott McDonnell- Member at Large      
As a "Jack of all trades", Scott feels that his skills and knowledge can be used to better the neighborhood in many ways. His main goals are to close the gap communication gap between the HOA and its members and to help the HOA save money where able. Scott was elected to the board in 2020 and was re-elected in 2022 & 2024. In 2025, Scott stepped down from the position of Secretary to open up more time for other responsibilities.
Stuart Osha Stuart Osha- Member at Large      
Stuart recently moved to our neighborhood from the Carolinas where he had worked on two other HOA Boards. Staurt believes his conflict resolution skills will be a good addition to the HOA. He also prides himself for his ability to look at issues objectively and make decisions based on the facts. Stuart was elected to the Board in 2023..
Scott McCorkle Scott McCorkle- Member at Large      
Scott previously served as the Landscape Commissioner for Spring Valley for over 5 years. He enjoyed the challege of helping to run a small neighborhood. Scott hopes he can bring his extensive landscaping knowlege and skill to help our community as well. Scott was elected to the Board in 2023.

The board urges anyone who is interested in being part of the board or a committee to reach out as we are always looking for good people to help us make this community better. If you are interested in serving please let us know at any time by submitting a call to candidates form or a committee interest form below.

Current Projects

Protected Tree Canopy

tree_canopyThe neighborhood is reponsible for making sure this area always maintains the same total inches (in diameter) of trees as exists now. In layman's terms: If a tree of 12" diameter dies in this area (regardless of cause) we are required to plant any number of trees in that area that equals the diameter (ex. 6x 2" trees). Assuming a 2" tree costs roughly $150, we would have to spend almost $1000 on replacement trees plus labor to remove the fallen tree as well as labor to plant the new trees. The board voted to contract with Apix to clear out dead and nuisance brush to help protect the existing canopy. Work should begin June 2021. Due to the high cost of this project, the area will be done in sections most likely over the next few years.


Nature Trail

We all know the nature trail is a mess. Not only is it something we should take care of and be proud of (as it is one of our few amenities), but the area in question has been a nuisance to some of our neighbors who have to deal with constant standing water issues. The board has contracted with Aphix to do a cleanup of dead and nuisance brush.

Other projects that are in the works can be seen here.

Board Meetings

board_meetingThe board has decided to reduce the frequency of executive meetings to quarterly meetings as much has been acomplished in the past two years and we hope the reduced meeting frequency will entice more residents to put their name in for a position on the board. These meetings will be held on the second Thursday of the month @ 7pm in March, June, and September. The annual meeting will be held in November. Board meetings will be held via Zoom and/or in person meetings dependant on the environment (both weather and healthwise). As board meetings tend to include sensitive information, we cannot open all board meetings up to the public, but if you have an issue you would like to add to the agenda, we can surely accommodate you.

As always, our Annual meeting is open to all residents and is slated for the second Thursday of November, but could change as the date approaches. The board will release the next years budget as well as include nomination forms in the Annual Meeting Announcement to be recieved in the mail no later than two weeks before the meeting date.

Meeting Minutes are posted on your account page shortly after the meeting. Past meeting minutes can be found in the archive under the resources tab. We are currently working on a solution to make the meeting recordings available for streaming or download from this site.

Join the Board

We are always looking for new faces to join the board. While there will be an official call for nominations and elections at the end of the year, we encourage everyone to let us know you are interested in serving at any time. If there is an opening at the time we may vote to welcome you to the board, otherwise we will keep your name on file for the general election. There are two ways to submit your interest. Either follow the link to a .pdf that you can download and fill out then submit through email or postal mail, or you can submit the online form that will be sent directly to us. Several members of the board will be exiting this year when their terms end, so we will be needing residents to fill the open spots. Please consider submitting your nomination. Thank you for your Interest in making the community a better place for us all!

Submit Form Online


We have openings on our committees! As of right now we have approved charters for the Landscaping and Grounds Committee as well as the Events Committee. You can check out the charters below to see if you would be interested in joining one of the committees. Help is much needed and we would love to hear from anyone who is willing to help out the neighborhood by joining a committee. To put your name in the hat, please click the link below the charters to fill out a form letting us know of your interest. Thank you!

Landscaping and Grounds Committee Charter
Events Committee Charter

Click here to go to the committee form!