Rock Springs Entry Fountains



General HOA ?s

What is an HOA?
Where can I find the HOA "rules"?
What are the common areas/amenities at Rock Springs?
Why have an HOA at all?
What are my responsibilities as a homeowner?
Dues? How much? What are they used for?
Where can I see how my money is being spent?
How much of my dues go to paying the HOA board members?
What type of projects do I need HOA approval for?
How do I become a board member?

What is an HOA?

The homeowner's association (HOA) is an organization made up of elected residents that make and enforce rules for the neighborhood and its residents. The HOA is also tasked with maintaining the common areas and amenities. Those who purchase property within the HOA's jurisdiction automatically become members and are required to pay dues, known as HOA fees.

Where can I find the "rules" of the HOA?

The regulations set forth by the HOA are formally called the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&RS). This Community was created in sections and each section has their own CC&Rs. Many of the sections CC&Rs refer back to previous documents. Your real estate agent should provide you with the documents pertaining to your specific section prior to closing (at closing you should have to sign a form that says you have read the documents and agree to follow said rules and regulations). Some agents are better than others, so if you did not recieve these documents, they are listed on this site under the resources tab (be sure to verify your section on the map first). Your Board has published a summary of the CC&Rs to help clearify a bit, but this is not a governing document, it is only for reference!

What are the common areas/amenities at Rock Springs?

The HOA is in charge of securing many contractors to do work aroud the neighborhood. Most obvious is lawn maitanence for the common areas such as entrances, playground, islands, and drainage areas (homeowners are responsible for their entire lot including easements). The HOA is also in charge of maintining the fountains at the main entrance, all street lamps, signs, the playground and the nature trail. Additionally, the HOA is in charge of snow and ice removal on the community roadways. Trash and Recycling is paid for by the residents of the neighborhood, but the HOA has entered into contract with Republic Services in order to get a much reduced price for our members.

Why have an HOA at all?

As stated above, an HOA does have the influence of size. An HOA has much more leverage when it comes to negotiating contract for work that needs to be done in the neighborhood. The HOA volunteers keep their ears to the grindstone to make sure any work needed throughout the neighborhood is done in good time. The biggest reason for an HOA when it comes to homeowners, however, is the rules they set forth to make sure that home values do not deteriorate due to some "bad apple" neighbors. The HOA will make sure you do not have a neighbor who parks their car in the yard, does not take care of their lawn, or has broken down vehicles on the street. Properties must be kept clean and proper and most work done to the exterior property must be reviewed and approved by the HOA.

What are my responsibilities as a homeowner?

As a resident of a neighborhood with an HOA you are automatically a member. You cannot opt out of this responsibility. Dont worry though, its pretty painless. It basically comes down to paying your dues and being a good neighbor.

Dues? How much? What are they used for?

The current dues for a member of the Rock Springs HOA is set at $650/yr with a $10 early-payment discount. These dues are collected at the end of the year for the upcoming year. Your dues go to all of the services mentioned above. Taking care of landscaping, snow removal, general upkeep, and the business side of the neighborhood is not cheap.

Where can I see how my money is being spent?

The board creates a budget each year and that budget is shown to all members at the annual meeting. The board is discussing the implementation of a membership vote to approve said budget. That idea came directly from membership input at the 2020 annual meeting. If you register for this site, you may also view the latest budget and costs on a monthly basis. The board is also searching for an outside company to audit the finances on the members' behalf.

How much of my dues go to paying these HOA board members?

None! Your HOA board is made up of volunteers that are in it because they want to serve the neighborhood.

What type of projects do I need HOA approval for?

Basically anything inside your home is up to you! Anything on the exterior that changes the look of your home might need approval. Be advised that it is still the homeowner's responsibility to make sure any projects are legal and have the proper permits. The HOA approval does not take into account local codes and regulations only the neighborhood's. Your HOA board wants to approve your project but must also make sure property values are protected. It is a very simple and easy process and can be completed in a few minutes on this site. Simply fill out the form (ARC form as we call it), send in documentation of who, what, when, and where, and your done! The HOA tries to get projects approved asap because they know some projects are time sensitive. If you do not know if you need approval, just send in the form and they will let you know. The board truely wants to approve your projects, but they also must make sure the project does not break any CC&Rs. While there are restrictions on how long seasonal decorations can be up, they do not need to be approved. Please look up rules concerning play equipment and basketball goals before placing them on your lot.

How do I become a board member?

Great Question! Your board is always looking for great people who want to help out the neighborhood. There are two forms on this site. They are quick and painless. The first is a candidate nomination form. You simply send in the form showing your interest in being part of the board and then a representative can get in touch with you to answer any questions and verify your intent. Then you can be added to the ballot. Elections are held during the annual meeting in December. The second form is a committee interest form. That is for those people who would like to help out the community but may not have the time to commit to being a board member.